Wednesday, February 13, 2008


List a minimum of 10 things that interest you about the career you are researching. Hands on,
The money, The people, The solitude, I can work by myself,

Which ESTJ did you score the highest?Of the careers listed for you, which one are you planning
to research? non of them i plan to become a mechanic or a chef

The Big Question
Now that you have determined a career to research, begin looking for companies/organizations within Garvin County that would provide you employment in this career. Im Going to start my own gorage/Mechanic shop/Body Collision


Shelly said...

"I don't know." will not work for a response. If you are not understanding something, feel free to ask.

Joey said...

Thank you I will Do That

Shelly said...

Joey, we are planning to visit MATC next week. Be sure to go look at the auto mech. area.

Joey said...

Thank you I really appriciate what your doing for our class and waht your doing for me and I know that I have not been the best student but Im going to do better and keep up my work Thanks again

Bender said...

Whats up Joey...

Unknown said...

I think the crux of this matter is: are your comments an entirely open and unmoderated forum? Any time you *ever* delete or edit some comment, then your legal position changes by a "common carrier" (like the phone company) for a "publisher" (like the NY Times) and also are then indeed responsible for everybody comments and material on your web sites, like it or not. Some disclaimer doesn't matter, either.

Any time you moderate or edit comments, Aaron, my suggestion back to you is that you very you should think about wiping out all comments or material that get along with the plaintiff in this situation, because the law *is* on their side, not yours.

Good lady luck, whatever you do! I'm not impressed in relation to their legal tactics, but I can understand where they're right from too, unfortunately See more.